208 Diaries

On Sunday night, I was just falling asleep when I heard this scratching and scraping noise in the wall right by my head. At first, I thought it was our neighbors, but I realized that the noise was coming from the outside wall…..

I looked out the window to see if something was on the side of our apartment, but there was nothing…..so, I have concluded there is something, alive and living, inside my wall. Ahhhh!!! It’s quite loud, which makes me think it is larger than a cockroach:)

And thus, so no one will think I’m crazy for kinda freaking out about a noise in my wall, I decided to share two videos that prove the sound is real. (oh, and for the record, the noise has been going on ever since Sunday….and this is Wednesday) It might be hard to hear it, but if you listen its there….my camera just didn’t pick it up very well.

Disclaimer: it was almost midnight and I was soooo tired, so of course I look like I was hit by a mack truck! hahaha 🙂

And this is where you actually hear the noise….

And thats the end of the saga….at least the video saga because the rodent (whom I have named Ruprecht the Rat) is still chewing away at my wall every night right around 11:30 pm. If anyone has any suggestions on how to solve rodent problems when they’re in your wall, I would welcome the advice. 🙂

Treasuring Him Above All Else

Lately I’ve been struggling (as I always do when May rolls around) with just wanting to go home and not finish well. I reach the point where all I can think about is being DONE! But, I know in my heart that I’m called to finish strong and finish well.

I came across this video yesterday and loved it! It’s such a good reminder about where our focus should be at all times….especially as this school year draws to a close. Be encouraged and strengthened!

My favorite quote: :  “The way we display the Supreme Worth of Jesus is by treasuring Him above all things and then making choices which make the joy we have in His Supreme Worth manifest.”


Happy Birthday, Garrett!!!

So, my bro is 17 as of yesterday. But I thought I would share a letter I wrote this morning.


First of all,


It seems like just yesterday when you and Gavin were in the front yard building forts, firing your cannon, and flying the Confederate flag unashamedly in Union territory.  And now, you’re refurbishing bikes, presenting original works of art at art walks, writing poetry and music, recording aforesaid music, vocalizing (singing ) being simply brilliant when it comes to technology, amassing an extensive library and still reading voraciously about Scottish history and pretty much anything you can get your hands on, teaching kids art and being awesome at it, experimenting in the kitchen, golfing and biking, learning the landscaping business, participating in city runs, being the sweetest and most giving brother to your siblings, cherishing your Mom and respecting your Dad, grasping the importance of family and covenant community within the church, but most significantly, you are living a life that exemplifies Christ in all areas. That is what I am most thankful for in you!

Pursuing excellence in all you do, that is the life you are called to live. “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Cor. 10:31 While at the same time, you are called to “count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus (your) Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ…” Phil. 3:8

It’s a strange dichotomy: pursuing excellence in all you do and then counting it all as rubbish. But, (there’s always a ‘but’) look at the last part of each of those verses…..they both finish with the focus off of you and onto Christ, His gospel, and the Father’s glory. Garrett, that is what I encourage you to continue putting your focus on and continue living your life in light of: Christ, His Gospel and the Father’s glory. Pursue excellence in all you do because He is worthy of your sweat, while at the same time, be able to relinquish and surrender it all to Lord because knowing Christ surpasses it all.

I know, I know, you have an older sister who always gets preachy…

But, seriously, as you are preparing to launch in the next year or so into this world of blurred morality and skewed ideas of what a successful young man ought to be, remember and don’t forget. Your identity is rooted and grounded in the Love of Christ  which should spur you on to live a life worthy of His upward call.

You have many gifts and talents and I know at times, it’s hard to decide which one should be your primary focus. It’s a great problem to have, but I know at times it is frustrating. The primary focus of your life is Christ in you the hope of glory. As you continue to grasp that and pursue Him and love Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, He will be faithful to make your paths straight and give you direction. What an exciting season of your life!

I know that I truly take you for granted….I realized that fact when I got the call from Dad about your car accident. Letting my mind leap to the unimaginable thought of never seeing you again was one of the scariest moments of my life. My stomach literally jumped and churned and I knew my life without you would never be the same. Thankfully, (sorry to get all serious all of a sudden) the Lord protected you and by His grace I’ll get to see you in a couple of weeks! Despite it all, I want you to know how much I love you. I love being able to talk about anything, I love the fact that I can go to you whenever I have technology failures 🙂 , I love hearing you and Gavin jam on your instruments in your room, I love that even though you close your door, I can hear y’all no matter where I am in the house hahaha :), I love the music suggestions you send my way, and I love hearing your new music….

I love when you try and explain the concepts in your Scottish history books to me (even though I usually find it hard to follow) I love your personal style no matter what people say :D…I think converses with dress pants is an awesome idea…I love how you have always built something new whenever I come home to visit. I love your sense of humor and like it when you sing opera. Your laugh makes me laugh and I like that. I love your sweet spirit of kindness.

Simply put, you are AWESOME, bro. I hope your birthday was fun and exciting (and I hope you got my voicemail) Oh, and make sure you play that youtube video. It’s the next best thing to me not being there to sing to you. 🙂

Love you muchly and see you soon!

Your adoring, and sometimes kinda preachy, but always sincere and full of love, sister,


Classical Ingenuity

Those of us who play the piano, or any instrument for that matter, all have favorite composers. We all also dread certain composers and their music because it seems humanly impossible to correctly play their music due to fingering, chords that require more than 10 fingers to play, and so on. Here is one of my favorite examples of how to cope with such a composer. Enjoy!
