Simple Pleasures of Real Life

I enjoyed a delightful evening tonight doing simple things. I tend to rush around hurrying from one activity to the next, one errand after another …especially on the weekends. I have begun to realize I easily fall into the habit of planning or looking ahead for the next thing. making lists and checking them off….in the midst of the panic of preparing for tomorrow, the present gets swallowed up in the future. How mundane my life sounds right now. It’s really not as dramatic as that, but I do find myself sometimes  just wanting to “make it” through the day so I can get to tomorrow, I’ll think, “If I can make it thought this class….”, or “just 20 more minutes of teaching….”… goes on and on. I am not enjoying the time I have been given and the task I have been given RIGHT NOW. I worry  about what comes next.

Today when I woke up at 7 am, I thought of all I had to do: sew pillows, do laundry, clean a house for 3 hours, run errands, go meet friends for dinner, go home and sew more things…..and then it hit me. Actually, it was the Lord that reminded me: I am never guaranteed  tomorrow, the next hour, the next minute. So, I should relish the time I have, the list of random things I have to accomplish, the hard work and the quality time with my dear friends. Every moment is an opportunity to praise the Lord and be joyful and the enjoy the simple pleasures the Lord has given me.

Simple PLeasures:

1. cleaning a  house with a dear friend and running errands with her

2. Having a 5 min. catch-up conversation with my roommate in between activities

3. Eating dinner with three very good friends and sharing how the Lord is working in our lives

4. Sewing pillows and hair accessories

5. Watching old movies like Seven Brides for Seven Brothers while sewing

It’s all so simple and ordinary, but its real life. It’s day to day stuff that sometimes is the most enjoyable. Its the good friends, the wholesome movies, the hard work and the bursts of creativity that make the perfect day. Thank you, Lord for all the blessings you have given me, all the friends I have….and for the simple pleasures of  real life. 🙂

~K. Leigh~

Classical Ingenuity

Those of us who play the piano, or any instrument for that matter, all have favorite composers. We all also dread certain composers and their music because it seems humanly impossible to correctly play their music due to fingering, chords that require more than 10 fingers to play, and so on. Here is one of my favorite examples of how to cope with such a composer. Enjoy!
